Monday, September 17, 2007

Super Baby

Finn has gotten to be sooooo much fun! I almost hate to put him to sleep because he is so playful and interactive now. He talks and chatters constantly and has started saying mamamamama (finally!). He is also weeks, if not days, from walking. He stands on his own now several times a day, and if you hold his hands, he runs like mad! He really likes it, and it's really cute to see! He's also really into bouncing and jumping. I think his legs are his favorite discovery so far! Check the videos on you tube for some action shots.

I've ordered some new baby gates (thanks Chuck and Mev) to completely baby proof my house-- he likes to climb the glass shelves of the entertainment center and he's ALWAYS climbing it. Once that is done, we have to cut a dowel rod so he can't open the china cabinet, and I think we're set for a while. He likes to play with the booze battles too, so I guess I still have to move those. I suppose it's just his Irish genes coming out already!

His favorite room of the house is the bathroom-- I know, I know, he takes after Tom in so many ways!!! He really likes to pull himself up and jump while holding on to the tub, and likes to turn over the garbage, play with the toilet paper, and destroy daddy's reading materials.

He's so great and I wish all of you from far away could see him! He's gorgeous, and only days away from 9 months old. I really don't understand how he got so old so fast, and it kills me to think he's almost a year old! I need to get planning for his b-day-- I know dates will be sticky that close to Christmas, so I'll put a Save-The-Date out there soon.

Well, that's all for now!