Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Up to date

For those who don't know, I will be officially sending in my DONA certification package this Friday, which means I ought to be certified in a month or two.

I'm also provisionally certified to be a Bradley Instructor (up on their webpage in lights and everything), and start my first class in January.

These certifications by themselves take most people 3-4 years to complete. I did it in about a year and a half. I really have been working hard and look forward to seeing what it's like to being 'just' a stay at home mom once I'm all done. I am still going to finish up my La Leche League peer counselor position work, but will be taking my time over the next few months.

And I guess I will still be cleaning houses, too, so maybe less of that stay at home stuff than I thought! Well, maybe now that we have a pres-elect from the party with the donkey instead of an ACTUAL donkey, the economy will improve and I won't have to do that much longer. One can only hope. And for the record, none of us could be happier Obama won. We're lighter on our feet than we have been in years. The power of hope is incredible. And the power of racism is lesser, though I'm still horribly ashamed of the some of the responses the color of a man's skin has to illicit from some of the toads out there. If only we could mandate healthcare AND education, America would be a healthier, happier place for sure. And the republican party would have a lot of 'splaining to do...

Anyhow, I learned of a new feature offered by Gmail (owned by google, as well as blogger and many other awesome things) called Google Reader. You sign up through your google mail
(Gmail) account and can 'subscribe' to my blog, and it will give you updates when I post new stuff. My sister turned me on to it and I though I'd pass it along. Of course, I will be able to see who is subscribed, so if you're one of my 'secret' viewers, you may want to just stay anonymous so we can both pretend you're not sneaking peaks at our little life. I even put a little gadget in the sidebar where you can see who my readers or 'followers' are so you can check one another out if you'd like-- again, this is where the anonymity issue would come into play, as this is automatic.

Anyway, Happy Subscribing!