Saturday, November 15, 2008

Punk rock Mama

Take THAT Thirty!!!!

All I need is a nose ring and I'm set. Youth will not evade me.
Neither motherhood, nor time, nor age shall defeat me when I have hair dye!!!

This is Buckbeak. She is a dear, dear friend, and we have the SAME HAIR. I did them both at once, aren't we trendy? Last time I saw her I cut it too, I'm so handy! We also painted our nails pink to match our hair, and are going to get pink heels to go out on the town in~ FUN.

Jesus! Are my boobs really that big? Good lord, call Dr. Rey, I need a surgical intervention.

Pardon the peaked complexion, we've all been very sick with bloody diarreah (scary, but doctor said it's okay) and vomiting for almost two weeks now.

Poor Finn also had a yeasty diaper rash and was SOO very miserable, but he seems much better thanks to some antifungal cream and powder, and mommy's special homemade diaper cream. I will miss his 4 hour sick boy naps when he does get better, but I'm hoping he'll get better soon so we can go out and play with our new mom's group before it gets too cold!

ROCK on.