Wednesday, March 4, 2009

From start to Finish

Clean House. Morning Time.

Dirty House. Night Time.
No amount of straightening I do can prevent this.

Except maybe the DVDs, but I was teaching and he knew he could get away with it then, so he did. He's getting smart.

These pictures validate my life. Every moment of it. And though it goes against every fiber of who I am, but I am learning to live with the mess. A creative child is worth the chaos in my house for a few years..... just keep telling me that. :)


Justine said...

That is funny, because I can't stand the mess either, but I must say that the last 3 weeks or so I am learning to live with a little chaos because I have too. Play with Kesley or clean....mmmmm...I will play with Kes when I As my lovely husband says....I need to relax. Plus in the last few weeks I have noticed that he doesn't even notice if the house is messy or clean so why bother