Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A Love Affair or Two...or Three...

My Finn is a little romantic. He's been kissing. Like crazy. He makes out with Uncle Chuck on Tuesdays on Thursdays, slobbering all over his face, slipping him tongue, and sharing his breast milk.

He's also taken a shine to Perrin. Apparently they spend time biting one another while I am away, and their affection for one another, though strange, is sweet. Perrin is the smallest of the triplets, and closest to his size, which is interesting because Finn appears to be quite frightened of the trips-- rather than stimulated, as we thought he would be. I don't have any pictures of this, so you will have to take my word for it.

Finn's other lover is Murrey. As you can see in these pictures, he likes to open his mouth and receive Murrey's tongue and laugh like crazy. Rather than think it's gross (which it is), I prefer to think of it as sweet, and vulnerable.

My little Finn is quite the Young Romeo... though so far, it looks like he is gay. I guess only time will tell!