Friday, April 11, 2008

New Tricks

So, Finn gets up without us in the morning-- he's started rousing at 6am, which is KILLER.

Anyhow , I stay in bed as long as possible, remembering to baby-proof the house the night before.

Except sometimes, I don't remember, and he spends his morning pulling out all the pots and pans and putting my shoes in the cabinet.

He also likes to hide the dustpan and broom. He's quite mischevious.

Finn also almost talks now. Other than Mama, Dad, and Wow, he now says KEEEEE for kitty, and DAW for dog, and barks at them when they are vocal with a oafffff 0afffff oafffff. He cracks me up all day long.

He also learned to climb ALL the furniture. Specifically the ottoman, the coffee table, and the couch.
He LOVES the coffee table.

And the picture of my dad-- especially for sitting and standing on.

And he LOVES to look outside.

This kid will be the death of me, I think. We're going to start Karate, Soccer, and dancing as soon as he is old enough, because I fear he will climb the walls without enough outlets. Literally.