Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mark Your Calendars

I'm going to take a moment to mark Tom's success. He has been a 'featured' artist twice now at open mic nights in the city for his poetry. He has worked very hard for this, and we are very proud of him.

After his feature last week, he was invited to feature at a new kind of venue. An art gallery. It will like a verbal art show, and he will be the only one reading. A true 'Featured Artist'. Once I have more info, I will pass it along, but we're very very proud of his successes, and suggest you mark your calendars for Friday November 7.

And don't pretend you don't like poetry-- this is not about flowers or bunnies, it's loud and strong, with depth, carrying political messages and social commentary that none of us are exempt from. It's a dynamic, creative, listening experience, and it is surely your loss if you decide 'poetry' is not your thing.

I hope to see you all there, as I'm going to try like hell to make this one!