Here are Finn and Daddy playing like men. You can tell because Finn has his shirt off.

Actually, Finn had just decided to bury Daddy with all those pillows and then climb inside with him. It was cute.

Here is Finn playing with a moses basket I bought at a garage sale for baby #2, and got out for a couple coming to my last class that delivered early and had a newborn. He mostly thought it was great to put his toys in there, but I caught him in there a few times as well.
When he saw the baby he was eager to show me and tell me what it was, and then to try to get into it's baby seat! When I asked him if he liked babies he said yes, and when I asked if he wanted mommy to have a baby, he gave a resounding NO-- and I'm pretty sure he meant it!

CHEESE! He saw the camera, so we had to have a ham session.

Caught him trying to get out! I can't believe he fits!
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