Our poor hand-painted bunnies had no eggs to hold-- we ran out of time to color eggs. I guess it's just as well, since I dont' think he would have looked for them once he saw his basket anyhow.

Finn's Easter Basket!

Finn's Easter Beanbag chair since he broke his favorite stool. Also, I love monsters.

Finn has smashed a hole in and nearly destroyed the lawn decor squirrel from the backyard, so this seemed like a good gift. He likes to give him rides on all his toys. The weather hasn't been nice enough to test this one out yet, though.

I bought awesome Frog shaped eggs because I'm a cool mom!

Here's the goods, all laid out.

He got some books and a movie as well. We tried to go easy on the candy.

He, however, did not.

He also got a handful of matchbox cars from Daddy (we must have 30 of them, by now), and of course, they were his favorite toys.

He had to line them all up,

and then hold on to them all at one time to move them about. For the record, he brought some to bed with him.

Here is at Grandma Mo's house playing bubbles with her. He LIKES bubbles.

He even tries to catch them with small wooden yellow helicopters.

and as Grandma blows....

He also blows into the car she got him for Easter, hoping for the same result.

Auntie Eriney is a rock star.

Easter Busket Numero Dos.

He likes to climb the bar at Gram's house. He sits and waits for his food. What a good little pre-drunk.

Grandma had an EXCITING Box.

And an exciting pillow!

And blue peeps!

Uncle Chris didn't want any. Jake ate one of the pre-chewed ones, though. Brave man.

Some more blue peep action.

Some sticky blue peep hands.

They look at one another and say -- Wanna get int he box?

Then they both do.

Here we are at Williamson's Restaurant for Curry Easter with Poppa, and Sammy and Grandma Lynne. He asks for Sammy by name now several times a day, and then tells me she's at Poppa's house. It's so cute.

Exchanging a few kisses.

And a few hugs.

Some heckling from Uncle Bob,

while all the while sitting on the same chair.

So cute!

It was a good day-- thanks for the presents, food, and good times offered by all!!!
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