Finn's first costume was a ninja. He looked very cute. The triplets came to our Halloween party, all dressed as super heroes, and Finn had a GREAT time running after Sarah. Here they are taking a breather, and sneaking a few kisses.

By the end of the party, Mr. Maniac man had torn his costume off of his body, and into three pieces, so I had to run out and find another one. Being at the mercy of the retail establishment (I usually buy online and early) I had to get him what was left, so he was a mouse. And he wasn't happy about it.

I should probably mention that it was an unseasonal 70 degrees that day, so his warm fuzzy costume, which would have wonderful against late October wind and rain, made him sweaty, and angry. But no less, before running out to another party of our own, we had time to make one stop for Trick or Treating with our new neighbors Michelle and Topher.

Here she is, glamorously doling out candy to Finn, who very politely said please. He liked this part.

And then Uncle Topher stepped in to hand him a 'special' prepared bag of goodies, and then two extra bags of good stuff for being so cute. Finn also liked this part.

Especially the cars, which he carried with him to bed that night, and told us all day until we got to grandma's house, that he had cars.

We tried to make a few more trick or treating stops, especially to the neighbors I used to trick or treat at, but Finn got very angry when he couldn't play with their dogs or the other kids, and after a huge tantrum we thought it best to go home. We had plenty of a candy, anyhow.
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