Well, it's time.
Finn has a climb-out-proof crib (featured above) that is gorgeous and has served us very well (thank you grandma), but he still tries to get out, and nearly every day --sometimes many times in a day-- he gets his leg stuck in one of he slats and we have to rescue him.
He's a big boy, and we're movin on up. My mom left behind a twin bed for when 'Finny gets bigger', and Tom and I are going to make him a nice bed frame. Though I'm sure Poppa will be largely involved in it's construction, I will be painting and designing it and Tom will build it. Maybe my dad will even help a bit, since it will be built in his garage, someplace I'm not sure he will ever leave.
Anyhow, my theme will be counting sheep, (inspiration) and I think it will be very cute, and we hope to have it done in time for Christmas (though with holiday engagements creeping up on us, I think we may be short on time). I think it will fit nicely into the primary color scheme of his room, adn will be easy to paint over and update for more kids.
We also bought this in green to keep him safe inside but not trap him. The bed will otherwise have three sides, and nice long pillows to keep him from going 'bump' in the night.

It breaks my heart he is so big already, but I do think he's ready. I wish there was a new baby to put in the crib, but good things come to those who wait... right???
Oh, and thanks to Michelle (K), we have a great theme for his birthday-- CANDYLAND! I only have a few ideas so far, but I'm sure once my juices get flowing, I can make it spectacular... but first I need to work on the invitations!!! Again, I'm open to suggestions....
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