Tom took part in the 2008 Poetry Bomb a few weeks ago. It was an event to bring poetry and poets out of the bars and the city, and to the suburbs and more accessible locations. Tom was a feature with Esteban (one of the coordinators) at the Borders Cafe in Matteson.
There was a nice turn out, and it was nice to hear him read, as I usually can't get into the city on time on a weeknight without Finn.
Here are some pics and some of the people that read. I'm always so proud of Tom for wanting more out of life than he has time for-- he's very busy, but works hard to find balance in what needs to be done for the family (working, and fixing the house), and what he wants for himself out of life (poetry, art projects, zombie blog, etc).
A lot of people with his work schedule would tap out after week after week of such hard work, but I'm proud that Tom wants more out of life than his work, and that he works so hard to get what he wants. What an amazing example to set for Finn.
For more videos of the event (since I only inlcuded Tom's), check out my youtube page, or just do a search for Matteson poetry bomb 2008.

These last two are videos of Tom reading. Sorry for the finn distractions and the such...
There was a nice turn out, and it was nice to hear him read, as I usually can't get into the city on time on a weeknight without Finn.
Here are some pics and some of the people that read. I'm always so proud of Tom for wanting more out of life than he has time for-- he's very busy, but works hard to find balance in what needs to be done for the family (working, and fixing the house), and what he wants for himself out of life (poetry, art projects, zombie blog, etc).
A lot of people with his work schedule would tap out after week after week of such hard work, but I'm proud that Tom wants more out of life than his work, and that he works so hard to get what he wants. What an amazing example to set for Finn.
For more videos of the event (since I only inlcuded Tom's), check out my youtube page, or just do a search for Matteson poetry bomb 2008.

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