One of the BEST things about our house is that it is in the 'Olde' part of town, and the Memorial Day and other parades pass by about 30 feet from the house. It makes me cry every time, though I don't know why. I LOVED parades as a kid, and it's really exciting to bring him to a parade right outside our door-- I always envied those kids who lived so near all the action.
So, Finn saw his first parade, and there were reminders of my dad everywhere.... the man across the street (drinking a beer at 10 am) who was fighting his kids for the candy on the ground, the feeling of a summer morning with the family, and more...

Here is Finn hanging out in his jammies watching the festivities. He was tired, and a bit shell shocked by all the noise, but really seemed to enjoy it nonetheless.

People were throwing candy at him and waving at us like crazy (because he was the cutest kid around), and it's nice to have that small town feel. We had to call over some kids to get the candy in the end because there was a ton of it. We saved Finn a dum dum.

He liked the army guys, and not just because they were on his pants, as well.

Here he is throwing the candy back at the people. He really missed the concept of the candy. It was funny.

Finn LOVED the motorcycles.

And he also adored the fire trucks and ambulances. They all made sure to slow down and wave at him. It made me cry again.

I just like this pic. It's so sweet.

Finn also really enjoyed the marching bands, and there were three, two for high schools, and one for the middle school. The color guard was fascinating to him as well.

In this picture he is squinting, and looks like my dad.

Here as well.

Finn and mommy, waving to the candy people!

Ooooh, fake rifles!

and colorful flags!

And brightly colored clothing with people making music. He really dug the drums the most, I think.

'Weird. Did you say my great grandma rode in one of those????' I can't wait to hear him say that. We're going to see her this summer, and we can't wait.

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