This is Finn's friend the Turtle. He actually got it for Christmas last year from Poppa and Grandma Lynn, but I held on to it until it seemed more age appropriate. This is his favorite thing, and he plays with it completely the wrong way! It comes with blocks and you are supposed to put them in the holes on the side of his shell, and then press his head for a song to play and the blocks to come spilling out.
INSTEAD, Finn will usually walk over to you with the turtle, which is half his size, grunting and moaning all the way and give it to you. If you do not take the turtle, he won't put it down, he will stand there and cry as it gets too heavy for him. It's a riot.
Well, he found an other to play with it-- it makes a good stool, too. As a matter of fact, when Meva was over last week, she commented on what a cute stool it was, because that is what he was using it for! I find it hilarious that climbs on top of his toys to get a better vantage point to play with his other toys. See for yourself.
INSTEAD, Finn will usually walk over to you with the turtle, which is half his size, grunting and moaning all the way and give it to you. If you do not take the turtle, he won't put it down, he will stand there and cry as it gets too heavy for him. It's a riot.
Well, he found an other to play with it-- it makes a good stool, too. As a matter of fact, when Meva was over last week, she commented on what a cute stool it was, because that is what he was using it for! I find it hilarious that climbs on top of his toys to get a better vantage point to play with his other toys. See for yourself.

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