Here are a few more Christmas Eve pics with the Reid family. I guess I hadn't emptied my other memory card yet.... oops. Well, better late than never I guess!

Finn got a taste of something delicious! I can't remember what but I think it may have been cheesecake. Either way, he liked it.

Believe it or not, these two looked like siblings at Finn's age!

Finn enjoyed taking down all the decorations and smashing them.

It was just so sweet when he took his nap on my brother! Finn was so comfortable and Chris really seemed to enjoy the snuggle time as well.

He really likes Uncle Chris, and even when I'm around chooses to spend a lot of time with him. I think it's sweet and I hope they have a really close relationship.

These are pictures of all of us just hanging out at the kitchen table, and Finn found a silicon trivet thing, and had a GREAT time playing with it.

He especially liked to smash it on Grandma Mo's face.

Lots and lots of times.

But Daddy wasn't exempt either!
I tell you, the best toys aren't toys at all!
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