Let me start by saying we had 38 people here. And I don't have pics of all of them, or even close. I also only took about 10 of the2300 pics taken, so thanks to whoever was working my camera that day! I just had no time.

This is what we call a face off. They are the same size, but my money goes on Ayanna. she can climb my gates.

Ryan is confused by this wagon for just one child. What do you do with the rest of your children?

Sarah is too busy playing peekaboo to care about the wagon.

Here is Grandma Mo with the cake monster.

Here is where the posing started.... there were so many people and so little time but Erin ALWAYS has her camera out, which always reminds me to get out my own, so we have a few pics of my filthy little boy on his big day. I tell you if it weren't for her, I'd have no pictures at all! She was the only reason we even remembered to take pics at the hospital when he was born!

As Erin says, his cake looks freakishly like raw meat. Red Velvet meat. Perhaps a bad choice on my part...

The strangeness you all know in me stayed in my gene pool. Meet Erin.

Auntie Erin is always good for a pic where she looks like she is eating the baby. And she came through again.

Dad and Finn eating monster cake as a team. Team dork.

I love Daddy!!!

Two generations of Curry men, and boy is the resemblance sharp. And not just because they all usually have food on their faces.

Finn likes to get Bob dirty. And really, who doesn't?

Grandma and Poppa goofing around proudly!

Gary was showing our guests where to go, but he dropped his sign. He's such a drunk. that sucks, too, because I spent over an hour decorating it.

Beautiful Mistress Sammy Soup and her cousin Finn are ready to get down! I think they could pass as siblings.

Chris and Cassie, gorgeous as always. Perhaps someday with the same last name (Don't kill me for saying that! I have a dream...)

Here I am with the birthday boy in my Pre-Cake outfit. Good thing I did laundry.

Goodness, who knew I had so many teeth? Kinda gross...

Cassie and Finn with Grandma Lynne nearby.

Ayanna at her best!

Sam the cowgirl

Michaela, Ayanna and Lexi

the 'other' Colleen and daughter Michaela and the kids.
Well, this isn't everyone, but a good smattering. Thanks to you all for coming! See you next year!
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