This was Christmas for the Curry family that includes Tom's family. I know, that's an awful lot of Christmas, but the more merriment, the better! Samantha has taken to calling this 'fake' Christmas much to the chagrin of Grandma and Poppa, but Tom and I both find our immature funny bones rumbling with laughter at how a child's sense of rules and legitimacy work!
We were really spoiled by them this year, especially the kids, and had quite a haul to take home. Maybe Christmas isn't so 'fake' anymore! LOL! Anyhow, Sammy was quite the ham and scene stealer all day, and made it hard to get pictures of other people. I managed to get a lot of Finn because he moves so much, and some nice ones with Grandma, but I have virtually none with Poppa or Bob without her standing in the middle of them, or darting in and out of them. Needless to say she was quite excitable with all the gifts, and very interested in what everyone else got, as well as what she did!
Well, here are the pics I did get!
We were really spoiled by them this year, especially the kids, and had quite a haul to take home. Maybe Christmas isn't so 'fake' anymore! LOL! Anyhow, Sammy was quite the ham and scene stealer all day, and made it hard to get pictures of other people. I managed to get a lot of Finn because he moves so much, and some nice ones with Grandma, but I have virtually none with Poppa or Bob without her standing in the middle of them, or darting in and out of them. Needless to say she was quite excitable with all the gifts, and very interested in what everyone else got, as well as what she did!
Well, here are the pics I did get!

You mean we get presents here, too? This is CRAZY!

Sam needed in on the action again. This is what most of my pics look like, LOL!

Does Bob know his brother, or what? What a fitting gift. Tom was pleased.

This spinny ball thing is Finn's NEW favorite toy.

I know, he cycles through faves in a hurry, but I SWEAR he was obsessed with the thing, and it didn't leave his side all night.

He was tired because he missed his nap, so he snuggled with it in Tom's lap while trying to sleep, still spinning and singing away!

The coaster wins this one hands down.

Here are a few sweet smiles with Grandma while Poppa made faces!

Finn was so tired! But even in his exhaustion he hardly held still. But for the moment I caught him calmly snuggling with grandma.

Oh, and did I mention it's his birthday? He's old as dirt now, it's official.

A sleepy boy on a comfy daddy.

Well, that's all for now, folks!
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