So, as predicted, Finnegan started REALLY rolling around this week, and I was unprepared for how quickly he learns things, and he fell out of bed. My bed. I felt AWFUL and probably cried more than he did.
Though he spends more time in his crib now than before, we're still co-sleeping about half the night. Anyone with a newborn knows how tired you get after week upon week of multiple nightly feedings-- and most women who breastfeed, I have found, co-sleep. So, even though I was wholly opposed to the idea before Finn came, now that he is here, I know how easy it is to be too tired to put him back in bed after the second feeding of the night, so he spends his early morning in bed with us.
It hasn't been a problem at all so far, but yesterday after Tom got out of bed, I must've dozed off while nursing. Well, he started rolling, and he rolled himself right off the bed face first, waking me with a thud and a wail. Thankfully, his face landed on a pillow that had fallen, but I think he bumped his nut on the nightstand. I don't think I've been more upset or felt more guilty, though he only cried for a few minutes and was fine. He had a small knot on his head for a few hours, but it was gone by the afternoon. I had him checked by our family Chiropractor that afternoon, and he sustained no damage-- thank god!
So, I went out a bought a bed rail that afternoon to ensure his safety while rolling luxuriously in our bed in case I doze (which won't be too likely after that incident). Here are some pics to prove that he is fine.
Please don't judge me. All kids fall, right?
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