Well, I think it's here. Teething. I'm not so pleased. Not only are my nipples threatening to seceed in fear, but I've become a giant rawhide. He drools constantly, his nose is like a faucet, and there is always either a part of me or a part of him in his mouth.
Sometimes many parts at once. He is also extremely crabby, and has taken to crying all night long. That's probably my favorite part.

He has also gotten very coordinated. He slaps at my keyboard while typing, and tries to take most everything out of my hands. He also reaches out to pet the dogs (who he is absolutely fascinated with), and takes my glasses off about 15 times a day. Yesterday while walking into the basement with him in one hand and laundry in the other, he took them off and dropped them into the laundry basket. It was dark down there and I was on the stairs. It took me like 10 minutes to find them again. Little bastard.
Needless to say working from home has become quite difficult, as has cooking, cleaning, and really anything while he is awake. I suppose I will adapt to this, too, in good time. Let's hope it's fast because I feel like I'm moving in slow motion!
I am a bit nervous about this whole teething situation because we are taking a 4.5 hour flight to Southern Cal to see my Gram next week. If anyone has any infant air travel tips, I'd love to hear them!
OK gotta run. I'm being dive bombed, eaten, and grabbed at, so my attention is needed elsewhere before the tears come.
Toodles for now!
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