Today (so far):
-Finn asked to talk to Daddy on the phone and talked to him for a good 10 minutes.
- Finn cried all the way through out 'school' class, and begged to go home. When will he get the hang of this whole singing and dancing thing??
- Finn snuck out of bed and went out in the backyard at nap time. I have no idea how long he was out there before I caught him. Apparently the little lock on the screen
door means nothing to him anymore.
- I was at the store buying dinner fixins, when I realized there were things in my cart I hadn't paid for... and that Finn was reaching over (from the basket of the cart) to the next self check out lane and 'stealing' cookie mixes from the man next to me that he had already paid for.
Thankfully, I realized this BEFORE I got home, or anyone got mad. But even as I put them back on the man's belt, Finn reached over and threw them back in the cart. This kid is unbelievable. The people at the Jewel were cracking up as I tried to keep up with him and told him to stop stealing. He is SO MUCH faster than I am.
- Finn told me his penis was a volcano and it was 'gonna blow' at diaper time. Then he proceeded to make motions like it was a fire hose, complete with 'pssshhhhht' sound.
WHERE DOES HE LEARN THIS STUFF??? And seriously, with boys, it's ALL ABOUT the downstairs from a very young age... this explains so much I never understood about my teenage boyfriends! LOL. I sincerely hope the next one is a girl. :)
-Finn asked to talk to Daddy on the phone and talked to him for a good 10 minutes.
- Finn cried all the way through out 'school' class, and begged to go home. When will he get the hang of this whole singing and dancing thing??
- Finn snuck out of bed and went out in the backyard at nap time. I have no idea how long he was out there before I caught him. Apparently the little lock on the screen

- I was at the store buying dinner fixins, when I realized there were things in my cart I hadn't paid for... and that Finn was reaching over (from the basket of the cart) to the next self check out lane and 'stealing' cookie mixes from the man next to me that he had already paid for.
Thankfully, I realized this BEFORE I got home, or anyone got mad. But even as I put them back on the man's belt, Finn reached over and threw them back in the cart. This kid is unbelievable. The people at the Jewel were cracking up as I tried to keep up with him and told him to stop stealing. He is SO MUCH faster than I am.
- Finn told me his penis was a volcano and it was 'gonna blow' at diaper time. Then he proceeded to make motions like it was a fire hose, complete with 'pssshhhhht' sound.
WHERE DOES HE LEARN THIS STUFF??? And seriously, with boys, it's ALL ABOUT the downstairs from a very young age... this explains so much I never understood about my teenage boyfriends! LOL. I sincerely hope the next one is a girl. :)
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