We took Finn to the Field Museum this week-- man was that a hit! It has been well over a decade since either Tom or I was there, and we were surprised at how much we LOVED it. Especially the evolution exhibit-- since the stupid New Lenox school district didn't teach that.
Well, Finn really liked Sue, the big Tyranasaurus (I don't know how to spell that). He was really a big fan of all of the dinosaurs, and so Tom (being a kid inside, himself) bought Finn THREE mold-a-ramas of dinosaurs. He was thrilled, brings them in the bathtub, puts them to bed, and plays with them to no end. Here he is playing with Daddy, showing how scary the T-Rex is!

And on a side note-- the Dino exhibit at Brookfield Zoo was neat, but very disappointing for a kid as small as Finn-- another year, and I think he would have flipped his lid! But the zoo, as always, was a huge success, and we owe a shout out to Colleen and Dan for such a great gift!!
Oh, and also at the Field Museum, Finn liked the dioramas of the animals, which were really quite impressive. I don't remember ever seeing them before, but they have obviously been there for years. There were a lot of monkeys from all over the world, and Finn showed his kinship by hoppping all over the floor yelling, 'OOH OOH EEH EEH' like he was among friends. It was really funny, and I didn't care who stared.
This is a shot of him 'going ape'.
Oh, and also at the Field Museum, Finn liked the dioramas of the animals, which were really quite impressive. I don't remember ever seeing them before, but they have obviously been there for years. There were a lot of monkeys from all over the world, and Finn showed his kinship by hoppping all over the floor yelling, 'OOH OOH EEH EEH' like he was among friends. It was really funny, and I didn't care who stared.

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