Something amazing happens when you give a boy a long shaped vegetable.
It becomes a sword.
In this case, an Asparagus sword.
This went on for SO MUCH longer than you think, and it was SO DAMNED FUNNY.
With Tom working so much, it's good to see them bonding when he gets home, but just to keep the dogs a little less pukey (ie Bromo, the fat one), I bought them some foam swords today from the dollar bin at Target.
Ironically, Finn has already taken a bite out of it.

Note: If you look closely, you can see Gram on kitchen table watching it all from her box.
The Beating of the Butt Asparagus is next.
And then the slow down from maniac mode.

Perrin says, "Cute. Happy. Hugging. More Finn and Daddy?"
Oh my God that is so sweet. I'm going to ear Perrin next time I see him for saying that!!!!
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