One stuffed stocking.

He insisted we open each gift entirely and letting him play with it right then!

He was so funny! He kept putting all his toys on the table and playing with them. Each time he was wholly satisfied with the present he just opened and wanted nothing to do with the next one. We really had to work at it to get him to open them all!

This is so fun!

Mommy's pink bedhead and auntie bubbles' new book! He loves it!

He really loves these word world toys, and just can't get enough of them. He has two now and plays with them every day.

Banging his heels and screaming for fun!

We saved his stocking for later in the day and let him open it in front of the rest of the family. He got excited all over again, but still wanted to play with each thing as he got it and lost interest in the stocking!

Playing with his airplane!

Reaching into the stocking for more.

Another airplane!
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