The Big TWO!

Ooh, are we doing cake?

Why are you all yelling at me???

What do you mean they're singing? To me?

Awww, shucks, guys.

Well, I suppose I can blow out the candle. Or at least I can purse my lips, lean forward and make blowing sounds.

I did it! (not really)

Well, the whole process freaked him out, but he was very happy to eat the cake afterwards!

I won't bore you with all the presents, but here are a few highlights.

He really got into them this year. He understood they were for him, and he liked the destruction part (big shock), and said thank you after each one.

He really liked these stuffed sheep which I think is odd and cute. There are three in his bed and he loves so sleep with them, line them up and throw them!

and also to hold them all at one time.

and kiss them.
Some peeps from the party: Here is Cassie, Finn's first crush. With the exception of this moment, he generally wants no one but her if she is around. He has good taste in beautiful women.

Poppa and Grandma. I think he might have been hitting one or both them in the face at the time.

Auntie Mev and Fudd, who, apparently is really upset no one told him about Hanukkah.

Rough housing!
Here are Mr. Finn and Mistress Sammy Soup going wild as they usually do when they're together.
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