Well, we tried to go to Matteson Fest (Yahoo Fest) and we did NOT have much fun. Finn is still too small for all this. I was also really bummed there was no ferris wheel and the superslide was broken (a fond dad memory for me). I hope to go back later today to hit the slide if it's fixed yet.

He seemed to enjoy the scenery, adn the ride in his special wagon very much.

Well, here he looks bored but I swear he was screaming and laughing the whole way.

This is where he went to town on my lemonade shake-up (GOD, do I love those!) He really liked it, especially since he could drink it through a straw, and eventually I had to put some in his sippy cup so I could have some.

This is how Finn enjoyed the Merry Go Round. And by enjoy, I mean screamed constantly and had no fun at all. This was the only pic I could get because he was clinging to me so tightly.

Let's hope we have better luck at the super slide. He really loves slides, so I hope so.
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