We went to the Children's museum in Naperville while Tom was on vacation as well, and I think it was the most fun we have ever had-- all of us! The place was cheap, huge, easy to get to (thanks to 355), and there was more fun in any one corner than you can imagine!!!
Finn would cry when I would try to move him because he didn't understand there was fuin stuff EVERYWHERE and not just where he was at. We had so much fun!

On the ride there, we gave Finn his first Jamba Juice, and a few strawberry stains later he was the happiest boy I have ever seen!

These were huge blocks that he was picking up strong man-style and flopping over. It was a riot!


and a lawnmower!!!

Look, I can make music with Daddy's tools!

Bang Bang!

Smash Smash!

Are you SURE I'm allowed to do this?! This is the best day of my life!

I think he might be a drummer. But I really hope not.

Here are Finn and Tom in the wind tunnel. Finn didn't like that but daddy did.

He kept stealing all the other kids balls and running away!

He actually put these things together with no instruction of leading from us. It was so cool to see how developed he is!

Here he is saying please so I will help him get his block back, but in the end, he didn't need me

I still can't believe he can do this!

There was this AWESOME tunnel he and daddy went into, though he fit better than daddy did. They both had a great time, though!

Here he sees me below and squeals with delight!

And he ran from Daddy like mad and it was WAY too funny to watch Tom waddle along and try to catch him.

This is my fave pic of the whole day.

Here he learned how to put the ball in the top and watch it roll down the slats to the bottom. He was a big fan of that.

He also really enjoyed walking through this maze that was not meant for this at all, but his skill in manipulating the pieces to move through was amazing, and he really loved it. I wish we could come here every day.

I tried to get a good shot of how small this hole was to show you, but I just can't make you realize how small it was. And he fit ALL THE WAY inside of it. It was riotous. He kept putting gold balls in there and going after them. What a man will do for his balls!