Finn is learning so quickly! Since his first steps just a few days ago, he walks upright almost all day long. If you say YAY! He starts clapping like crazy, it's so cute! As a matter of fact, yesterday, as Tom went to kiss him goodbye before work, Finn started clapping in his sleep! He said he just about melted to the floor after seeing that. Clearly their dreams develop with their bodies.
Another one of his favorite games is 'Where's the baby?" If you ask him this, he puts his hands on his head (supposed to be over his eyes, but it's hilarious when he covers his ears instead!), and will then abruptly pull them off so you will say "There he is!" It's so adorable.
Finn also waves, but not with any consistency. He has waved perfectly at strangers several times, but not on command just yet. We're also working on high 5's.
I also noticed that when we saw a dog yesterday he said Dh Dh and reached for it. I don't know how I missed this, but he says that when he chases our dogs at home, so he is trying to say dog! AWESOME!!!
Another thing Finn does in the tub is play with this ring. He will drop it over and over if you show him how, and Tom even got him to put the ring on the neck of a bottle earlier this week. He's so fun, you can just watch him figure things out and learn as he goes. It's the best science experiment I have ever done!!

Above are pics of Finn 'learning' to take all my movies off the shelf. *sigh*. Some things, I wish he wouldn't figure out at all!
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