Look ma, I can fly!

Little smile.

Big smile.

This is my Jack Nicholson face. My grandpa had a Jack Nicholson face, too. I'm glad I take after him.

I think I'll be a beach bum when I grow up.

Where the hell is the REAL sand? I'm hungry.

I can't wait until we can afford a real tub. These outhouse baths are getting old.

Rub a Dub Dub! A little squirt in the tub!

Some people stick their foot in their mouth all the time, for me it's my hands that are the problem.

I am a handsome boy. Just ask my mommy.

Army Crawling. It's dirty business, but it gets me around.

This wooden horse has great gas mileage! You should try this!!

Hey! Did you forget to pay the color bill?!?!?!?!
Once again, if you want any please let me know what size and how many and I'd be happy to order them for you! And remember you can click on any image to make it bigger. Enjoy my boy!!!
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