I've been working so hard, sorry I haven't posted. I am, however, provisionally certified for Bradley and sending in my Doula cert package this week. Two classes to teach, one test to take, and I'm done with those two for good!
Finn is a riot. He likes to hide things now, and see what fits into what, so in the last week he has: put a toothrush into the heating vent so it was still sticking out, put his shoes inside my birth files, put one of my shoes inside the garbage can UNDER the new bag I put in, hidden his toys in the diaper champ, and much more.
He speaks more and more, and learns new words all the time. Today he is sick, and rather miserable, but he really likes our new house, and is much happier here than he was in the old house.
We had a halloween party/housewarming last week and he tore his costume into three pieces while he was wearing it, so I had to buy him another one. It's short notice, so I'm not sure he'll ever forgive me, but he will be a giant fluffy mouse, and cute as can be. Since he tore his ninja costume to pieces, perhaps he will chew holes in this one?
Only time will tell.