Today we had our 15 month checkup. He is 29 inches and 20lbs 14oz. A bit short, but proportionate (with a buddha belly that is so cute!). We're not worried about the short because each kid grows at different rates, some out rather than up, some up rather than out-- but it usually all equals out in the end with good eating habits, which I make sure he has.
We're also trying to re-lactate, since the medication I weaned him to go on isn't on the horizon for a while, if at all. I've done a lot of research (I am training to be a LLL leader) and really believe in baby-lead weaning as much as is possible. I'm going to need some more testing to determine which specialist I need to see (epilespy, neurologist, psychiatrist, surgeon, or all four), and to confirm the suspected diagnosis in my brain. From there, we need to determine a course of treatment, and I have an HMO, so this should take FOREVER-- and by that time, he will probably have weaned himself, or I'll be pregnant again. (No, we're not trying, but we're practicing with fervor, and accidents do happen!) Anyhow, the milk may not even come back at all, but what a windfall for both of us if it did! Especially for when we decide to give him vaccinations (also still on the fence about those). I know this may seem weird to some people, and we may be judged for it, but I'm okay with that because I believe we are doing the best thing for our son, and other people's opinions don't matter as much as that does. I know my California readers won't even bat an eye! I just don't get how geography shapes our cultural beliefs so strongly.
Anyway, Doc Zoom says to expect words in the next 3 months or so (boys talk later than girls), but that Finn's comprehension and identification of words is excellent. He has actually said several words (mom, mama, dada, dg for dog, and wow), but not with any consistency. According to my namesake (colleen 2), he thinks he is talking to us but doesn't quite know how to use his tongue yet. It appears he is learning and telling me all about the world around him, but I just don't speak his language, and he hasn't learned ours yet.
I wasn't nervous about it at all, though (I was totally nervous).
Hooray for Finn!